#GivingTuesday: Give Coffee & Christ to UNC!


It's not just a cup of coffee. It's a tangible extension of Christ's love! It's a symbol of rest and rejuvenation. It's a conversation starter. It's much more than a simple afternoon pick-me-up.

Here's an interesting fact: for the past 2.5 semesters, we have been serving thousands and thousands of cups of coffee... from Sam's Club! Don't you think it's time for an upgrade?

"He has filled the hungry with good things..." Luke 1:53

Will you support this outpouring of Christ's love by helping us sourcing coffee beans from Joe Van Gogh, a local coffee roaster? We need help raising the $6,300 that we hope to spend next year on coffee, hot chocolate, and tea.

You can help pay it forward to current UNC students! Will you consider joining us annually or monthly? Every little bit counts...from $20/month to $1,000/year.

Join us on this #GivingTuesday in welcoming the next generation of UNC students with a warm cup of coffee, a friendly face, and most importantly, the Truth of Christ's love!